Giovanna Chiarlo - Art even on the Streets


Art must change its setting

We have had enough of indifference, of incompetent or bribed critics, and of seeing the same places of artistic oligarchy.

It is about time Art took on a Social Function!

Galleries and museums are palces where art is performed as a cult. This constraint has given art an asphyxial element, with the sole objectives of being of social prestige and profit.
The acquisition of a work of art is considered an investment. Restored monuments, the presentations of contemporary hyped up as being important, nowadays make up part of the catwalk where they parade as puppets.

Oro Blu

Artists have betrayed Art

Art has missed out on some important objectives  which it could have aimed at reaching in this modern age.
In particular, sculpture, inserted within an urban context, could have been considered as a counterbalance, as oppose to the bombardment of images which we are normally subjected to, not forgetting the character and the embellishment displayed in unknown and somewhat slumish spaces. All of this without ever running out of banality or, worse still, vulgarity.