Giovanna Chiarlo - Art even on the Streets

A diary of a soul moulded in iron

"We want to produce just like a plant produces fruit" (Hans Harp).

This intention basically expresses itself in the works of art of Giovanna Chiarlo. Shapes and colour lead the way for warm surfaces curves and straight lines, female or masculine those archetypes are inserted in a long meditated vision.

Time and imagination travel beyond intuitive direction, towards the expression of a life-long strength. These strong presences, active and passive are the result of an experiment and of a continuous desire of language renewal.

It is a type of sculpture which allows for direct and diverse entertainment; plastic organisms which are inserted into the environment in an integral way, as dramatic flames reaching for the sky, or as dragons can feel the contact of land.

Chiarlo's scupltures evoke the perfection of organic reality through a process of visible language co ordination conveyed in the balance of formal imagination. Sculptures without shadows, screens or drop-scenes which communicate intensely with what they are encircled by which create different spatial relationships. Very receptive in their lightweight, extraordinarily delicate and alive, they discover emptiness in completeness, completeness in emptiness.

Contents of works:
Rosso Sangue (Bloody Red) an act o pain within the contours of a flame
Domino (Domino) a transparent screen to separate dreams from reality
Blu Elettrico (Electric Blue) a slight sheaf of optimism
L'Oro degli Sciocchi (The Foos' Gold) exterior symbol which kill substance
Metastasi Craniche (Cranial Metastasis) the remembrance of a painful experience
Contesto (Context) harmony, logic and penetration of forms
La Coda del Drago (The Tail of th Dragon) metaphor of infantile fears